TruClear Hysteroscopy in Ocala, FL

20-80% of women develop fibroids by the time they reach 50. Board-certified gynecologist Poorti Riley, MD is expertly trained in treating fibroids using the TruClear system and has performed over 1500 TruClear procedures. If you have been diagnosed with fibroids and are in need of treatment, call our OBGYN office in Ocala, FL  at (352) 369-5999 to request an appointment today!

What Is a Hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive treatment option for women suffering from abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) due to uterine abnormalities. During a hysteroscopy, your doctor uses a small device with an attached camera — known as a hysteroscope — to examine your uterus. If the scope reveals an abnormality such as polyps or fibroids, your doctor can remove the abnormal tissue during the same procedure.

Hysteroscopy with the TruClear System

The TruClear™ system gives doctors the ability to remove abnormal uterine tissue without making incisions. A scope is inserted through your cervix, allowing your doctor to see inside your uterus. Once the abnormality has been identified, your doctor will insert a small instrument through the scope to quickly remove it.

The TruClear™ hysteroscopic system is a complete technology platform. It can facilitate several minimally invasive procedures, including:

  • Myomectomy
  • Retained Products of Conception Evacuation
  • Diagnostic Visual D&C and Endometrial Biopsy
  • Polypectomy

Many similar treatments use electricity to treat abnormalities within the uterus. Unlike these other treatments, the TruClear system does not use electricity during the procedure. That eliminates the risk of electrical burn injury to the uterus lining. The special design of the TruClear system instrumentation also helps minimize damage to the lining of the uterus while preserving the uterus.

If having a procedure with the TruClear system, learn what to expect before, during, and after your procedure.

Benefits of TruClear

No Incisions, All Results

The TruClear™ system provides a minimally invasive option to treat uterine cavity abnormalities.

Its advantages include:

  • An incisionless procedure
  • No electricity inside the uterus
  • Minimal recovery time

As with any procedure, you should ask your doctor for more information about the potential risks of the procedure and whether it is right for you.

What to Expect with TruClear

Before Your Hysteroscopy

Dr. Riley will provide you with instructions for how to prepare for the procedure. While every patient experience is unique, these are some common practices you might expect.

Dr. Riley may:

  • Conduct a thorough review of your health history, including any pre-existing conditions such as diabetes and heart disease
  • Require blood work to be done to test for things such as pregnancy and infection
  • Suggest that you take an over-the-counter pain reliever an hour before the procedure to help relieve any possible postoperative cramping
  • Prepare the uterus with medication beforehand to make the procedure easier to perform (varies by patient, will be determined by your doctor)
  • Tell you not to eat or drink anything after midnight on the night before your procedure

On the Day of Your Procedure

Your procedure using the TruClear™ system may take place in your doctor’s office, outpatient surgery center, or the hospital. Before you get started, your doctor will discuss the procedure with you and results of any diagnostic reports he/she may run. Depending on the location, several activities may occur on the day of your procedure, including:

  • Your vital signs, such as blood pressure and temperature, may be measured.
  • You may be given an IV for fluids and medication during and after your procedure.
  • If anesthesia is necessary, the anesthesiologist or anesthetist will discuss the type of anesthesia you will receive.

During Your Procedure

A procedure done using the TruClear system requires no incisions or electricity. The minimally invasive procedure will follow this process:

  1. Dr. Riley inserts the hysteroscope into the vagina, through the cervix, and into the cavity of the uterus. The hysteroscope contains a light and camera that allows Dr. Riley to see inside your uterus.
  2. Saline fluid flows through a small channel in the hysteroscope, opening your uterine cavity so Dr. Riley can better see and access the tissue that will be removed.
  3. A specially designed instrument is inserted into the hysteroscope to remove the unwanted tissue via a rotating blade.
  4. After removing the tissue, Dr. Riley will remove the instruments, completing the procedure. While recovery times vary by case, most patients are able to go home within a couple of hours and return to normal activities the next day.

After Your Procedure

Dr. Riley will give you specific details about your postoperative care, but here are a few things that may occur after your treatment:

  • You could have bleeding and menstrual-like cramps after your treatment. If so, your doctor may instruct you to use pads instead of tampons.
  • You will not be able to douche or use vaginal medications for a period of time after the treatment. Dr. Riley will define this period for you.
  • You will not be able to engage in sexual intercourse for a period of time after the treatment. Dr. Riley will define this period for you.
  • Dr. Riley will probably schedule a follow-up appointment a few days after your treatment to discuss your results with you.

Request a Hysteroscopy Consultation

If you’re in need of a hysteroscopy in the Ocala area, contact Florida Women’s Health to schedule a consultation with Dr. Riley. Call our OBGYN office at (352) 369-5999 to schedule an appointment in Ocala, just a short drive from Belleview and The Villages.