How Much Bleeding in Early Pregnancy Is Normal?

pregnant woman with doctor.

Up to 25% of pregnant women have some bleeding or spotting especially in the first trimester. Bleeding in early pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean there is an issue, but it can indicate a miscarriage or some other complication. It certainly can be worrisome. How much bleeding in early pregnancy is normal?

Spotting and Bleeding in the First Trimester

Spotting or light bleeding is typically normal in early pregnancy so try not to become overly anxious. Spotting is just a few drops of blood here and there.

On the other hand, bleeding is when the blood fills a pad or you would need to wear a pad to keep it from ruining your clothes.

Whether spotting or bleeding, it is always best to contact Florida Women’s Health so it can be recorded. Your OB may want you to come in for some tests to determine the cause.

Some Common Causes of Bleeding in Early Pregnancy

Causes of bleeding in early pregnancy can be from:

  • Implantation of the fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Cervical bleeding.
  • After sexual intercourse, a PAP smear, or pelvic exam.
  • An infection like a UTI.

None of the typical causes of bleeding above are terribly worrisome.

More serious causes include the following:

  • Ectopic pregnancy where the egg does not implant in the uterus but in the fallopian tubes. This can be serious and life threatening.
  • Molar pregnancy is when the fertilized egg is implanted, but it cannot come to term. It becomes a tumor.
  • Miscarriage.
  • A blood clot forms between the amniotic sac and the wall of the uterus known as a subchorionic hematoma.
  • A cervical polyp forms on the cervix that bleeds due to the increase in estrogen.

Talk With Your Obstetricianpregnant woman with doctor.

Be prepared to communicate some specific facts about the bleeding like:

  • when did it start?
  • has it happened before in another pregnancy?
  • is it steady?
  • what is the color?
  • is there an odor?
  • do you have pain or a fever?

Let obstetrician Michelle Wood, MD know if you have fallen, if you feel dizzy, are nauseous, and if you are under a lot of stress.

All this information will give your doctor some clues about what could be causing the bleeding.

In addition, an ultrasound, blood tests, urine tests, and possibly an MRI will be performed to find out the reason for bleeding.

Treatments for Bleeding in the First Trimester

Most of the time REST is the main treatment for any less than serious bleeding. You may be required to stay off your feet for a period of time. 

You may need to avoid things like having sex and traveling. Bedrest could be required. 

If the bleeding becomes severe with pain, fever or chills, fainting, or cramping, contact Florida Women’s Health immediately or go to the nearest emergency room.

Contact Florida Women’s Health with any questions and concerns about bleeding in early pregnancy. Give us a call at (352) 820-4392 or request an appointment through our secure online form. Our OBGYN clinic is in Ocala, and we see patients from throughout Marion County.