Gynecological Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Your gynecologist has seen and heard it all. Some women, though, become embarrassed about discussing certain topics and avoid telling their doctor about symptoms and specific changes with their bodies. Get over it! This is the one person you can always trust to give you answers and provide the right treatment if there is an issue. So here are some gynecological symptoms you should never ignore.

Non-Negotiable Symptoms

Don’t ignore them or think they will just go away if you don’t acknowledge they exist. We are talking about new symptoms, changes, pains, and feelings or lack thereof. Our bodies change all the time as we get older, and it is perfectly normal to wonder about why and if these changes are serious or cause for concern.

We can call them the non-negotiable symptoms you must share with Florida Women’s Health.

stethoscope and flower on pink background. gynecology concept

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

All women have some discharge, but what makes it abnormal? Normal discharge should be clear or white. When it becomes thicker, changes in consistency, color, or if there is a foul odor, this should be checked out by your doc.

Pain During Intercourse

Some women find this difficult to discuss, but it isn’t all that rare. In fact, 75% of women will experience this at some point in their lives, especially after menopause. That may give you some comfort, but you should still bring it up if it continues to happen. It could be more than just vaginal dryness.

Pain In the Pelvic Area

This seems like a normal part of being a woman, right? Not necessarily so. Only 20% of pain in your abdomen or pelvis is actually caused by gynecological issues like fibroids or endometriosis. It is more likely to be something related to urinary or bowel issues. It should be discussed with your doctor.

Abnormal Bleeding

This seems like a no-brainer, but some women are afraid to discuss it, or they think their bleeding is normal. That may not be the case if the bleeding occurs between periods, lasts longer than normal, or if it is heavier than your normal. Pay attention to bleeding after sex if it’s more than just a tiny bit, and especially if it occurs after menopause.

Breast Changes

Changes include nipple discharge both clear and bloody, changes in the shape or size of your breasts and of course, any lumps you may discover during breast self examination.

Lack Of Interest In Sex

Lack of interest or the inability to get sexually aroused can occur at any time in a woman’s life, but it happens more frequently after menopause. Be open about this or any other changes post-menopause as there are treatments as well as solutions that can be addressed.

All these non-negotiable signs or symptoms should be discussed with your doctor as soon as they are noticed. Never be shy or reticent about discussing female concerns and changes to your body. Your doctor is there to help you decipher the causes and possible treatments.

Contact Florida Women’s Health at (352) 820-4392 with any new or abnormal symptoms or concerns.